Plaza de la Paz, nº 23 10850 - Hoyos (Cáceres)
927 514 665 - 927 514 163
Legal information

Data of owners:

In accordance with the LSSI, you are informed that these are the data of the proprietor of this Web.:

Name: Hosteleria Rivas Moreno, S.L
Address: La Paz, 23 – 10850 – Hoyos, Caceres
Fiscal Identification: B10208973
Civil Property Registry: City of/Volume/Page
Contact telephone: 927 514 665
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Intellectual property:

The design, font code and contents of the web are protected by Spanish law with reference to intellectual and industrial property in favour of Hostelería Rivas Moreno, S.L., being prohibited the reproduction, distribution or public communication, total or partial, without the express authorization of H.R.M.

Policy of Privacy and Data Protection (L.O.P.D.):

H.P.M. wish to inform the users of the website, that an automatic data file may be created using the personal data provided through having used the services of the web by sending contact e-mails to or by using the contact formulae or inscription present on the website. In all events, the storing, protection and use of data on behalf of H.R.M. will conform strictly to the pertinent law concerning data protection.

In compliance with the Ley Orgánica 15/1999 of Dec. 13th of Personal Data Protection, users may exercise, at any given moment, their rights of access, rectification, disagreement or cancellation of the data collected and filed. The use of these rights must be communicated in writing to ….or to the contact mail address (info@…..) indicating in either of these options the reference “PERSONAL DATA” and whatever right they wish to be activated, together with a photocopy of personal identification or Passport.

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H.R.M. reserve the right to interrupt at any given moment and without previous notice access to the web…., together with the rights of modification or elimination of the site settings, the contents shown or any of the services offered, either due to technical reasons, security, maintenance or any other cause. Said interruption, edition or elimination can be temporary or definite, without any responsibility involving H.R.M.

Use of the web, its contents and services:

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In indirectly or as information some terms and logos may be used which constitute registered trademarks of the various proprietors, for which we do not hold ourselves responsible for the inappropriate use of such brands on behalf of third persons.


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